As a section editor for Bizarre magazine,
presenter and journalist Alix Fox has seen
a fair few decadent spectacles in her time!
Here’s her verdict on The Black Cat . . .
I was far more impressed by the evening than I expected to be.
I’d seen a couple of the performers before, so anticipated being gently entertained without being blown away. . . Cue gale-force winds of hilarity and fun.
The show was slicker than an ice rink, and the balance of music, dance, comedy and sassy sex appeal was spot on.
Laurie Hagen was whoop-inducingly original, and Dusty Limits couldn’t have shone more if Mr Sheen himself had personally polished him – it’s evident why he’s at the top of his game.
Then, to top it off, you had Markabre Charade of The Roustabouts playing tunes –
my new favourite DJ.
The menu seemed pleasant enough, yet when the food arrived, especially my main course, it made me say “mmmmm!” so many times I felt like I was singing along to a Crash Test Dummies record. Delicious!
Cabaret – with all its glitter, gore and vaudevillian slapstick – can be a cover for lack of talent, or act development. That was absolutely not the case here.
This is a night that will please folk across the board without being middle of the road, and that’s quite an achievement. Bravo.
I can’t wait to come again!
Alix Xx